Loss Prevention Services
Prevention - Investigation - Resolution
RCS' loss prevention team provides outsourced loss prevention and fraud management services to specialty retailers and clients in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, distribution and telecommunications. They develop and implement anti-fraud programs and controls designed to reduce invetory shrinkage, detect internal and external theft and enhance awareness among employees. Our team has worked with internal audit, corporate security departments and chief risk officers to develop protocols to manage, respond to, and investigate allegations of wrongdoing.
Loss Prevention Assessment
Fraud Vulnerability Assessment
Inventory Shrinkage Root Cause Analysis
LP Best Practices & Systems Review
SKU Integrity
Inventory Accuracy
Identify "Paper Shrink" Issues
Map Process & Note Gaps
Current Process Mapping
Shrink Mitigation Investigation
Gap Identification
Loss Prevention Co-Sourcing
Supplement existing departments
Development/Presentation of LP Awareness Programs
High-Level Fraud Investigations
Anomlay Detection
External Investigations
Loss Prevention Outsourcing
On-call Support by our LP Professionals
POS Exception Analysis & Shrink Reduction Programs
Investigation Management
Training and Awareness Programs